Stage Crew for High School Musical
Mrs. Maggard is in need for Stage Crew volunteers for the High School Musical production.
Here are the details:
- Students will be moving set pieces on and off the stage
Students are needed During lunch hour March 20-24th. If a student needs
to miss due to is understood. However, March 27-30 is
MANDATORY. Students will be given time to eat.
Students MUST be available to stay after school, March 20-24 from
3:30-5:30 (If a student has to miss 1 day this problem)
- Students MUST be available to stay after school, March 27-March 30 (Mon-Thurs) from 3:30-5:30 - DRESS REHEARSAL ***MANDATORY - May not miss or leave early/arrive late***
MUST be available the ENTIRE WEEK,March 27-April 1 (if a student
CANNOT attend one day this NOT sign up)***
- Performance Dates/Times:
Friday, March 31 9am and 6:30pm (Students must arrive no later than 5:30)
Saturday, April 1st 2pm (Students must arrive no later than 1pm)
- Students must wear black during Dress Rehearsals and Performances